Sun. Jan. 18, 2025
Discussing Lunar New Year’s Celebration
calling it Cooking and Crafts Workshop event
- Anyone interested in leading the tanghulu workshop?
- Eileen will head this.
- Arts & crafts
- Tammy.
- Harrison will handle the dumpling-making things.
Registration/Sign-up Introduction
- Sign-up for the event on new MCYC website. Ppl can go on there to sign themselves up. Will get a qr code and will be scanned in at the event.
- We will ask everyone to pay upfront at the time of registering to ensure we have the numbers and the money to buy what we need
- Fundraiser to make a profit or at least break even.
- Registration is mandatory. Cut off for two days before so we can get all of the supplies before that.
Discussion of Required Items and Ingredients
- Tammy and Harrison will be shopping for the supplies for the event.
Posters and Marketing
- Posters are done, excluding the website. If Harrison provides the link, Eileen should add it to the poster afterwards.
- Two poster types based on when they will be posted:
- Registration is opening tmrw!
- Registration is now open for ppl to be able to register.
CTV WCCCC (+MCYC) Interview
- Jimmy, Harrison and Nina. Jan. 29 CTV wants to do a live bit on Lunar New Year’s live at wcccc. Starts at 6:10 am. First segment they will be on is at 6:37 am. We have five time slots. Four out of five time slots have already been suggested by Jimmy and Nina. 2 min 40 seconds per time slot.
- Idea for fifth time slot: Have two people, one cantonese speaking and one mandarin speaking. Present the new year’s greeting phrases: gong hay fat choi, etc. and then explain what they mean.
- One could say a phrase and the other could give a red envelope and go back and forth between the two like this.
The current list of segments look like:
- Segment 1: Explain the significance of the upcoming year of the snake
- Segment 2: promotion of upcoming events at wcccc
- Segment 3: maybe the great wall will dance
- Segment 4: someone from mcyc to discuss what we’re doing for lunar new year
- Segment 5: Saying different phrases in Chinese.
Any volunteers to help be on the segment? If you have a segment you think will work for any number of people, you can suggest this to Harrison. The segment is for 7:27am-8:38 am on Wed. Jan. 29, 2025 at WCCCC.
Next MCYC Member’s Meetup
- Where they would like to see it happen and what/where/when? This is for an internal social meet-up.
- Celebration for finishing the Chinese New Year, member-only social meetup.
- Bubble tea, karaoke, hot pot, korean bbq (IGI). Feb. 15 or 23 maybe.
Website Summary and Use Case
- Executives will have the option to make/create events/posts. All members can create their accounts.
- Contact form where ppl will put in their info and it will go to a new email account.
- Linking posts on website to the discord.
- Announcements and updates, on meetings, for example. Etc.
- Blog posts.
- Newsletter
Background Operations
- Applying for MCYC to become a provincially recognized nonprofit. This means we would not need to charge tax on these things.
- We’ll also get perks from Google like a google drive storage, a higher level for email business account
- Bank that will identify us as nonprofit. Can apply for provincial level and federal level grants.
- Right now we have access to some local grants and funds, like the WCCCC
- University of Manitoba club. Doing their own U of M meetings. Have all of the forms basically. They just need at least two more U of M members interested.
- More access to grants and access to booking rooms at discounts or for free.
- Send student email and student number to Sophie or Harrison (who will forward this to Sophie).
Backup plans in-case Venue doesn’t Work
- If the cooking thing doesn’t work out: Minute to win it games at the WCCCC instead. Looking into other possible venues. Sort by cheapest and best for this.
- At least a few hundred willing to spend on renting a venue if we need.
- Benefits to reach a different audience
- Location and price- Southwest of winnipeg. Or south east. Generally just closer to the south. And reach out directly.
- Direct them to wcccc website if we need.
Ecole South Pointe
- MCYC New Year’s Celebration from Ecole South Pointe
- Dance group could perform on behalf of MCYC.
- MCYC how it stands for in the website and in general. Stick to the same terminology. Club or committee.
Future Items
- Discussion of Possibility of creating a new executive position, benefits or disadvantages of having this position, if it’s worth having or not.
- End of meeting: Demo of how to sign up as a member on the new MCYC website.
- Members and executives uploading profiles onto this new website.
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