As lunar new year approaches, the Manitoba Chinese Youth Committee (read more about the MCYC) is getting busier and busier planning for the Cooking and Crafts Lunar New Year experience (learn more about it). Amidst our preparations, we were fortunate enough to have been put in front of the public’s eye’s and ears by CBC Manitoba and CTV News Winnipeg!
CTV News Winnipeg Coverage
CTV News Winnipeg opening by showed off the MCYC’s tanghulu (candied fruit skewer) to Winnipeg, but also giving a generous introduction to the MCYC, and our ongoing plans and activities of the MCYC! Hosted by CTV’s Ainsley Mcphail, interviewing our very own MCYC executive Tammy Le! A big round of applause for our treasurer Tammy, and our vice president Eileen for hosting and helping organize the CTV interview! They did splendid! Watch below, or visit the official CTV News Winnipeg website!
CBC Manitoba’s Up to Speed Show
CBC News also showing some love to the Chinese community kindly offered a segment to the MCYC to talk about the upcoming “The Joy of Lunar New Year: Cooking and Crafts Experience” we’re hosting. A big round of applause for our very own, executive member of the UofM liaison team, Duy! Listen in through the official Up To Speed with Faith Fundal CBC Manitoba page!
Thanks Everyone!
Thank you to our key members, Tammy, Eileen, and Duy for taking the time out of their days to present the MCYC on some of the biggest news networks in Manitoba! It’s always great to get some recognition on what we do!
Thank you to Shannah-Lee Vidal from CBC Media Centre for reaching out to us for the CBC Manitoba News segment on the upcoming event!
Thank you to CTV and the WCCCC for granting us some time to talk about the MCYC during their segment!
Of course, thank you, the readers for your interest! We do hope you’ll check out our upcoming events through our main page, or our events page!
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