Category: Announcements
MCYC is now tap-pay enabled!
For all future events, MCYC will be able to accept tap-enabled credit cards (unfortunately, no swipe or insert will be available for now). We will also accept e-transfers and cash payments on-site!
A Delicious Collaboration with North Garden Restaurant
Hello, Chinese food enthusiasts! We’re thrilled to unveil an exciting collaboration with one of Winnipeg’s culinary gems, North Garden Restaurant. Nestled at a very student-accessible location near the intersection of Pembina and University Crescent, North Garden Restaurant has been delighting diners with its exquisite blend of traditional and contemporary Asian cuisine. This thrilling collaboration signifies…
MCYC is on Manitoba News! Exciting!
As lunar new year approaches, the Manitoba Chinese Youth Committee (read more about the MCYC) is getting busier and busier planning for the Cooking and Crafts Lunar New Year experience (learn more about it). Amidst our preparations, we were fortunate enough to have been put in front of the public’s eye’s and ears by CBC…
Introducing the new home for the MCYC!
Introducing the MCYC’s new website! The official home of the MCYC. This website will serve as a central place to get information, statuses, events, and contact the MCYC! With this new website, I’d also like to take this opportunity to show off our new members! Please take this opportunity to read more about us on…