The Manitoba Chinese Youth Committee rebooted a bit ago, and for the first event, we hosted a Board Game social at the WCCCC with the goals of (re)introducing Manitoba to the youth committee in a casual way. We hoped to show that we are not a group solely dedicated to the most hardcore Chinese individuals and that instead, we’re a group of Chinese youth all with aspirations to preserve our heritage, help with culture exchange, and cultural education. To do this, we decided to host an event with activities that anyone could enjoy: free board games and foods of both western and Chinese variety! We even included a monetary prize for those with competitive spirits.
During this board game event, we had a variety of different board games, western, and Chinese games ranging from Monopoly to Mahjong, to Go Chess, to XiangQi (Chinese Chess). We even invited in a professional XiangQi and Go player to help teach the youth that were deeply passionate and interested.
For the competitive spirits, and those who think they have a pretty good understanding of Chinese culture, we hosted a trivia event with a sum total of $100 monetary prize in the form of Amazon gift cards!
From the feedback I heard, despite some shortcomings, everyone seemed to really enjoy the event. Since this website didn’t exist back then, I thought I’d retroactively post this with some pictures so people know what happened.
The following gallery of pictures were taken courtesy of Eileen. Thanks Eileen!

Thank you to everyone who came! It was a blast!
A special thank you to all the volunteers, and executives that worked hard to put this event together!
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